Lesson Plan 3

Grade(s):             8                                                                        
Teacher:  Mrs. Rigler/Mr. Magee    

Approx. Time:  90 mins
Subject: Media Literacy
Curriculum Expectations
Overall: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts
1.2 interpret increasingly complex or difficult media texts, using overt and implied messages as evidence for their interpretations

Learning Goals  (are curriculum expectations stated in direct, explicit, student-friendly language)
1. I can interpret my immediate environment as a text in terms of my senses
2. I can interpret how my surroundings make me feel
Big Ideas / Concepts / Critical Consciousness Issues explored in the text:
Social inequality; urban development; beauty; empathy; care;
Enduring Understanding(s
What students are expected to understand (as lifelong learners) and be able to use several years from now.
My build environment significantly impacts the way I feel
(1) Minds On: (Activating prior knowledge) (5 mins)

Ask students to recall their experiences from the trip? Did they notice anything about how they felt in each space we visited?
Assessment For/As
Learning (identify what is being assessed)
·       What did students remember from the field trip?
·       What feelings did they have about the trip?
(2) Action: (70 mins)
Intro (5 mins)
Now we are going to use what we learned from our trip to create a vision of what your perfect community might be like. Ask if anyone knows how we might do this? Take suggestions and tell students to start doing what they described if it seems to be productive.

Activity: (65 mins)
(30 mins)
If anyone is having trouble they can use this technique.
1. For each space we visited create a column on a piece of paper.
2. In each column write what were the things you liked and didn’t like in each space.
3. Do this for each column.
4. Share what you found and ask your partner why they liked and disliked specific things.
5. After sharing go on to the next step.
(35 mins)
In your table groups create a diagram on chart paper. In the middle write: My perfect community is…Then create 4 quadrants and label them “See”, “Hear”, “Smell” and leave one blank.
Now fill in each quadrant with the words that you identified as things you liked about the space we visited. In your group choose what the fourth quadrant is and fill it in as well. Model this for the students.

Social Expectation
What social expectation(s) will I address (i.e., attentive listening, mutual respect, taking turns, sharing, etc.) and share with students before they begin to investigate and explore?
Learning Skills to be Addressed:

q  Responsibility
q  Organization x
q  Attention to detail x

q  Collaboration x
q  Acceptance x
q  Compassion x

q  Initiative
q  Respect x
q  Self-Regulation x
For/As Learning
- Can students identify what parts of their experiences they liked the most
- Can students recognize what parts of the environment made them feel the best and why?

- Do my peers enjoy the same things as me?
- Are there patterns in what we like and dislike about our community?
- Can I comfortably share my honest opinions with my peers? Do I feel safe in this environment?

Differentiated Instruction
·       Create an anchor chart for the activity
·       Allow ELL students to use pictures to explain their meaning.
·       Give ELL students computers so they can use google translate
·       Allow LD students to work on their own if they prefer

(3) Consolidation (debrief) (10 mins)

Ask everyone to do a gallery walk. Look for ideas that are the same or different than ones you recorded. Ask yourself, if you see patterns. Why do you think those patterns are there?

Teacher Self-Reflection to determine Next Steps for Students?

  •  What ideas did you see were common? Unique?
  • Did everyone get to share their ideas?
  • How much detail was used?
  • How many students were engaged?
Materials and Resources Required:
1. Journals
2. Chart paper
3. Markers and pencils

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