Lesson Plan 2

Grade(s):             8                                                                        
Teacher:  Mrs. Rigler/Mr. Magee    

Approx. Time:  6 hrs
Subject: Media Literacy
Curriculum Expectations
Overall: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts
1.2 interpret increasingly complex or difficult media texts, using overt and implied messages as evidence for their interpretations

Learning Goals  (are curriculum expectations stated in direct, explicit, student-friendly language)
1. I can interpret my immediate environment as a text in terms of my senses
2. I can interpret how my surroundings make me feel
Big Ideas / Concepts / Critical Consciousness Issues explored in the text:
Social inequality; urban development; beauty; empathy; care; cooperation
Enduring Understanding(s
What students are expected to understand (as lifelong learners) and be able to use several years from now.
My build environment significantly impacts the way I feel.
(1) Minds On: (Activating prior knowledge) (60 mins)
(20 mins) Journaling while waiting for the streetcar at Dundas and Bathurst.
(30 mins)Ride the streetcar to the subway at Bathurst station. Ride the subway to Castle Frank.
(10 mins) Journaling at Castle Frank station and meet Brickworks staff.
Assessment For/As
Learning (identify what is being assessed)
·       Are students engaged in the journaling process?
·       Are students interpreting their surroundings using all of their senses?
·       Do students feel safe in their environment?
·       How does the environment make you feel?
(2) Action: (5 hours)
Walk through Rosedale and stop at the park. Students were asked to look for the river and broken bricks.
Gave students time to explore the park and look down into the valley.
Played a game of Survival (deer, farmer, resource)
Hiked down the rugged trail (fantastic choice!)
Had lunch inside - journaling
Played in the chimney courtyard.
Hiked to the firepit/lokout and talked about the history of the site.
One group visited the greenhouse and explored vermicomposting! - Journaling
The other group did a site tour looking at living walls, water capture, solar panels, living roves.
Took the shuttle back to Broadview station. Subway back to school.
Everyone was asked to journal one last time at the corner of Dundas and Bathurst.

Social Expectation
What social expectation(s) will I address (i.e., attentive listening, mutual respect, taking turns, sharing, etc.) and share with students before they begin to investigate and explore?
Learning Skills to be Addressed:

q  Responsibility x
q  Organization x
q  Attention to detail x

q  Collaboration x
q  Acceptance x
q  Compassion x

q  Initiative x
q  Respect x
q  Self-Regulation x
For/As Learning
- Can you interpret your surroundings using your senses?
- What do students pay attention to?
- How interested are students in doing the journaling?
- How do we act while in different environments
- Are we supportive of each other when we are needed? (hiking down the trail)

Differentiated Instruction
·       ELL and LD students are allowed to document their experiences using the most confortable method of communication
·       LD student will be given opportunities to photograph and videotape the experience.

(3) Consolidation (debrief) (10 mins)

Ticket out – Answer the following questions:
1. Which of my 5 senses did I use the most today? Why?
2. Did I act differently in different environments?
3. If I could live permanently at the Evergreen Brickworks, could I?

Teacher Self-Reflection to determine Next Steps for Students?
  • Did everyone enjoy themselves?
  • What aspects of the trip were highlights and lowlights?
  • Did students enjoy journaling or was it a nuisance?
  • Was writing an effective means of journaling?
  • Did students get to direct part of the trip?
Materials and Resources Required:
1. Warm clothing
2. Digital camera
3. Lunch
4. Journal
5. Writing utensil

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